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Social media account with fake profile, Identity Theft, impersonation and fraud Schlagwort(e): social, media, account, fake, profile, identity, theft, impersonation, fraud, hacker, cyber, network, computer, digital, hacking, crime, technology, attack, web, information, code, data, criminal, security, cyberspace, spy, man, thief, internet, virus, binary, danger, password, concept, steal, anonymous, phishing, dark, social, media, account, fake, profile, identity, theft, impersonation, fraud, hacker, cyber, network, computer, digital, hacking, crime, technology, attack, web, information, code, data, criminal, security, cyberspace, spy, man, thief, internet, virus, binary, danger, password, concept, steal, anonymous, phishing, dark, Adobe Stock 896705630, Social media account with fake profile, Identity Theft, impersonation and fraud, Cybercrime, Fachtagung, IHM, BHT, 3.2 Beratung: Innovation, Technik, Umwelt

13.03.2025IHM Fachtagung "Täuschend echt – Cyberfallen erkennen"

Die Digitalisierung bietet dem Handwerk zahlreiche Chancen, birgt jedoch auch Risiken durch Falschinformation und Cyberkriminalität. Lernen Sie von Spezialisten, wie Sie diese erkennen und sich vor gravierenden Schäden schützen

father, son, builder, building, Arbeitshelm Sohn Vater child, home, family, boy, dad, cute, parent, help, handsome, fix, build, tool, kid, worker, repair, human, work, equipment, house, teach, baby, activity, people, casual, construct, craft, relationship, communicate, housework, daddy, do it yourself, job, helper, exterior, green, learn, fun, measure, occupation, holding, wood, nature, industrial, toddler, together, woodwork, father, son, builder, building, child, home, family, boy, dad, cute, parent, help, handsome, fix, build, tool, kid, worker, repair, human, work, equipment, house, teach, baby, activity, people, casual, construct, craft, relationship, communicate, housework, daddy, do it yourself, job, helper, exterior, green, learn, fun, measure, occupation, holding, wood, nature, industrial, toddler, together, woodwork 56091358
